Donations for Animal Rescue & Sheltering

The DC Pet Pantry (Food Bank)

 The Humane Rescue Alliance hosts a permanent community pet food and supply bank to help families hold on to and care for their animal companions during difficult times. Supported entirely by private donations, the Food Bank collects donations of food, toys, and supplies for cats and dogs and distributes them to income-qualified clients free of charge.

The Big Bad Woof regularly accepts donations at the store for re-distribution to the local shelter, and makes regular contributions to the Community Food Bank Program.

We are happy to take your donations of pet food and supplies to be distributed to several organizations we work with, including:

The Humane Rescue Alliance

Lucky Dog Animal Rescue

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue

A Cat's Life Rescue

We will accept all types of supplies for animals and distribute them out to those in need.  If you are dropping off towels, blankets or clothing please make sure the items are clean and in good condition. If you are dropping off food, please be sure it is closed properly and taped if it has been opened previously.

Thank you for upcycling these items to be used for animals that are in need! May the Woof be with You!

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